Tuesday 12 May 2009

On-Stage summer camps set for Dingle Childcare Centre

All the world's a stage...in Dingle!
With all the talks of recession you'd be forgiven for thinking that all the life had been sucked out of the county. Not in Dingle however as the local Globe Academy Stage School have launched an exciting series of on-stage summer camps in an effort to dispel the doom and gloom, focusing on drama, singing and dancing for six to 12 year-olds. Hosted by Dingle native Jennifer Riordan, a member of the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art Teacher's Association, the Globe Academy On-Stage Summer Camps will take place this year from July 17th-31st and August 10th-14th at Dingle Childcare Centre Áiseanna na hÓige. "We're delighted to bring these On-Stage Summer Camps to Dingle this year" said Jennifer, "with drama, singing and dancing, its a great way for children to build confidence and make new friends." Since its establishment in Dingle in 2008, the Globe Academy Stage School has been a real hit, hosting classes all around the Peninsula, enjoying major success with local productions of Mamma Mia!, Pinocchio and High School Musical to name a few. With a variety of classes, youth clubs and after school clubs the Globe Academy has gone from strength to strength as parents are delighted that their children now have access to a locally-run stage school, which is accredited by a major London institution. "On Sunday May 17th we will be holding our annual London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts exams with over 70 local children will taking Acting, Verse and Prose exams from this acclaimed institution" Jennifer explained, "and on June 5th we will host a certificate presentation night for the students in the Dingle Skellig Hotel." For more information click to enlarge the poster on the left. Contact Jennifer at 087-6476656 or visit www.globeacademy.ie.

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