Tuesday 12 May 2009

Cast your vote in the Dingle News Poll

The Dingle Local Area Council Elections take place on June 5th and, with an extremely crowded marketplace this time around with no less than nine candidates contesting three seats, predicting an outcome is proving to be nigh-on impossible. Sitting councillors Micheal O'Shea (FF, Milltown) and Seamus Cosaí Fitzgerald (FG, Dingle) are seeking re-election with Brendan Griffin (Keel, FG) and Bridget O'Connor (Camp, Ind.) trying their luck for the second-time round. Several new candidates have entered the fray including Breandán Fitzgerald (FF, Dingle), Patrick Hanafin (Lab., Dingle), Theresa Raftery (SF, Lispole), Darach Ó Murchú (Greens) and Breannainn Ó Beaglaoi (Ind.). With so many candidates concentrated in the Dingle area and an increase in the register eligible to vote in the Milltown/Castlemaine area (following last years boundary revisions) this is a council election like no other. Will the additional votes in the Eastern part of the constituency, coupled with a high concentration of candidates in the Dingle area, upset the apple-cart? It could create a scenario where West loses out to East as the many candidates in Dingle could substantially diminish each others core support, while candidates due-east pick up the additional support with the extended boundary in their own area. Only time will tell but this election, especially with the current economic climate on the Dingle Peninsula, is one which may shake things up substantially. By taking part in The Dingle News Poll (on the left side of this web-page) we can all gain an insight into how the candidates currently stand and what the outcome is likely to be.PLEASE NOTE: This poll is facilitated and regulated by polldaddy.com. The Dingle News has no ability to alter or interfere with results and can only view the progress of the poll like other visitors to this page. Reproduction of the results of this poll is prohibited.

1 comment:

  1. Just wondering what are the results of the Dingle News Poll - it seems to have been removed ?
