Thursday 5 March 2009

Hanafin confirmed as Labour candidate in Dingle local elections

Patrick Hanafin (50) a native of Beenbawn, Dingle will officially launch his candidacy in the Dingle local area elections this Sunday at 3pm in the Dingle Skellig Hotel, as a candidate for the Labour Party. Patrick, a second generation Emergency Medical Technician, was the President of the national Ambulance Association of Ireland with nearly a decade and is still involved as their PRO. He also runs a local plant hire business and has been associated with many local community initiatives over the years. Mr. Hanafin had been a Fianna Fail party member for over 33 years and was overlooked in their party selection process recently. Patrick Hanafin and his wife Debbie have three children; their family were recently bereaved with the passing of Patrick's father Tom, who was also an EMT with the local Ambulance services, which saw an outpouring of grief from the local community. Patrick told Dingle News this week that he felt the Fianna Fail party had changed and he was disappointed in recent times with, what he described as their 'lack of focus' on local and rural issues in Kerry. Following the decision to allow Breandan Fitzgerald run as the local Fianna Fail candidate, Patrick entered into discussions with local Labour Party officials. He will formally announce his Labour Party candidacy at a press conference in the Dingle Skellig Hotel this Sunday at 3pm. Rural planning issues, unemployment, tourism and road signage and agriculture, were some of the issues that Mr. Hanafin cited as "extremely important". "I will be sitting down in the coming weeks with local people to discuss issues which are of importance to them, I will fight tooth and nail to protect the people and interests of Dingle and West Kerry" he added. He joins sitting councillors Micheal O'Shea (Fianna Fáil) Seamus Cosaí Fitzgerald (Fine Gael) and new candidates Breandán Fitzgerald (Fianna Fáil), Brendan Griffin (Fine Gael), Bridget O'Connor (Independent) and a Sinn Féin candidate as they battle it out for three seats in the Dingle Local Council Elections this June. The Dingle News will be following this in the coming weeks and months and watch out for interviews comparing the candidates policies and plans for the future regarding key issues. Pictured above left, Kerry members of the Association of Ambulance Personnel attending their annual conference at the Dingle Skellig Hotel, l-r, James Lynch, Seán Griffin, Patrick Hanafin, Joseph Lynch (Dingle Paramedic) and John Kelliher.

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