Thursday 5 March 2009

Dingle de-stresses at stress clinic

Local hypnotherapist and nutritional therapist to host 'stress' workshops in Dingle
Given the pessimistic economic outlook facing the country at the moment, stress is very real and prevalent factor in many of our daily lives - something which two Dingle based therapists are keen to tackle with a series of unique stress work-shops. Nutritional therapist Irene Ní Fhlannúra and clinical hypnotherapist Julí Ní Mhaoileaoin, have come together to offer these workshops at their joint practice, Slí na Sláinte, on Dingle's John Street. "These workshops will be ideal for anyone who is suffering from stress or stress related conditions" said nutritional therapist Irene Ní Fhlannúra, "we will show people how to identify the stress in their lives, give them solutions to manage the stress and prevent the damage stress can cause." Irene can identify foods that cause stress and contribute to stress related illnesses - such as fatigue, digestive problems, blood pressure, hormone disorders and mood disorders with the aim of looking at foods that prevent and minimise its effect. Julí will then use her skills as a clinical hypnotherapist by imparting relaxation techniques which will also enable those participating to reduce stress in their own lives. "Using a combination of both nutritional therapy and relaxation techniques we are giving people comprehensive solutions to successful stress management" Julí added. The next Stress Workshop takes place on Wednesday, March 11th from 6pm-10pm. Irene and Julí also have also launched a private therapy room service which available for other practitioners or local groups to host meeting and workshops. Contact Irene at 086-1662562 or Julí at 086-1660035 for more information. Pictured, l-r, nutritional therapist Irene Ní Fhlannúra and clinical hypnotherapist Julí Ní Mhaoileaoin.

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