Wednesday 14 January 2009

Live register up 57% in Dingle

A sign of our times
Dole queues in Dingle are set to get longer as the recession hits West Kerry hard.
New figures released by the Central Statistics Offices reveal a large increase in those signing on the live register - more than 57% more people are signing on in Dingle this year with 609 on the live register in December 2008.
Overall, 12,364 signed onto Kerry’s live register this December alone representing the the sixth highest rate in the country; more than a 40% increase on the 2007 figure. The trend shows no sign of abating with new job losses and lay-offs being announced everyday - a large supermarket in Dingle town is said to have laid off seven of its staff this week alone.


  1. it is terrible what is happening in dingle what happened to the celtic tiger did it stop roaring you need to get rid of brian cowen iread about him not good

  2. can anybody tell me what is going on with the kerryman and kerrys eye we do not get them here anymore it is a big let down as i looked forward to get the papers every week so sad
