Tuesday 13 January 2009

HSE to investigate death of woman following childbirth

The Health Service Executive is investigating the death of a mother who died after giving birth at Kerry General Hospital (pictured left) last Sunday.
Triona Cuddy (34) of Cois Cnoic, Dingle died immediately after the birth of her baby boy last Sunday morning. Her newborn son remains in a serious condition at the hospital.
A full investigation of the circumstances surrounding the woman's death has been ordered by the Health Service Executive.
Ms. Cuddy, who originally hailed from PortLaoise, worked in Garvey’s SuperValu in Dingle and her passing has deeply upset friends and co-workers. Her partner also works as a barman in the town.
It is understood that a post mortem examination took place on Monday and that a review of maternity services is be undertaken at the hospital. In a statement released by the HSE the family of the deceased have asked the media to respect their privacy to allow them mourn their loss. In respecting their wishes, the HSE has agreed to make no further comment.


  1. iam sad to read about the death of this mother things like this should not happen in this day and age so sad my heart goes out to this family i am from dingle living in boston for years bye for a while

  2. hi to all my friends in dingle hope to see you all very soon you know who you are eb

  3. i left dingle forty four years ago you all know who i am thats a long time but i do remember everybody as it were last week i lived in ballyeightra be fore leaving home e eb
