Thursday 6 November 2008

Poetry & Photography offer unique perspective in new book

An insightful perspective
A unique collaborative effort was launched in West Kerry last weekend as local poet Dr. Mícheál Ó Fionnáin and photographer Fiona Morgan unveiled a new book of Irish language poetry and photography entitled Briathar agus Solas. The talented pair unveiled the project to a packed house at An Bóthar pub in Cuas, Feothneach last Sunday night. According to Mícheál the book, published by Coiscéim, charters the unique archeology and spirituality of the Parishes of West Kerry. Each one of Mícheál's poems in the book is accompanied by photography by Fiona, offering unique insight and perspective on the wild and weather worn landscape of West Kerry. Mícheál's poetry is often inspired by the varying culture and customs of West Kerry's many Parishes which often sees pagan Celticism and Christian spirituality collide and co-exist.

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