Thursday 6 November 2008

Dingle's 'Artman' unveils new exhibition

A new exhibition of art was recently unveiled at Dingle's newest galleries, The Irish Artman, on Green Street. A large crowd attended the launch hosted by gallery owner James Thompson which saw the unveiling of new works by several of Ireland's top artists including Graham Knuttel, John Behan, Rowland Davidson, David Jenkins and Lorna Millar. There was also a local flavour to proceedings as Dingle based artist, Anne Stack exhibited some of her latest works. According to James, a native of Dingle and an avid art collector, the event was a great success. "It was a very enjoyable evening" he said, "the main purpose of the Irish Artman is to bring exciting works by a number of nationally and internationally renowned artists to Kerry."
More information is available at

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