Friday 10 October 2008

Permission granted for Blasket Island Café

Planning permission has been granted for a new cafe on the Great Blasket Island by An Bord Pleanala.Earlier this year the planning appeals authority held an oral hearing in Dingle to discuss the application.An Blascaoid Mor Teoranta, the largest landowner on the island, had applied to build a cafe and service building, comprising a kitchen, stores, toilets, first aid and ranger room, and a laundry.Kerry County Council gave it the go ahead last November, but it was appealed to An Bord Pleanala.Opponents feel the island should be left as it was when evacuated in 1953.The permission granted is subject to 10 conditions.The first condition is that a new pier is built on the island.Other conditions include; amendments to the development ensuring the external finishes match adjoining buildings in the interest of architectural heritage.Water supply and drainage arrangement are to comply with the requirements of the planning authority in the interest of public health and the prevention of pollution.Another stipulation of the planning permission is that oil is stored properly in order to control pollution in the sensitive environment.The developer, An Blascaoid Mor Teoranta is also required to make a financial contribution to the planning authority in respect of public infrastructure and facilities. Source: Radio Kerry


  1. The Island should be left as it is (but it will not i know),even being there now, it was a lot nicer 20 years ago,and people 20 years from now will say the same about now.Another special place destroyed by the Iron-Fist of money and gratafication of the few.

  2. Padraig Reid27/07/2009, 22:04

    Why do we feel that we must have "facilities" everywhere we go. It would be utterly out of keeping with the spirit of the Blaskets to pander to the whims of consumerism. Leave it as it is - beautiful, wild and unspoilt.
