Friday 10 October 2008

Dingle singer sets sights on Tanzania

Making a difference
A talented singer from Dingle is set to make the trip of a lifetime this month as she travels to Tanzania in an effort to make a difference in one of the world's poorest countries. Pauline Scanlon, whose latest album Hush (recorded in Nashville) has received national acclaim, is travelling to Tanzania from October 14th to 24th with Playing For Life, a voluntary charitable group established by sports broadcaster Tracey Piggott following her life-changing experience visit to Ethopia in 2004. According to Pauline, who has previously toured with the likes of Sharon Shannon, Playing for Life focuses on helping people to help themselves through education, health and sport. "Our group of volunteers will work with local communities, bringing skills, which can then be used to generate income from home industries, crafts and tourism" Pauline explained. Those travelling in Pauline's group this October will include Nationwide Presenter Mary Kennedy and Irish singer Eleanor Shanley. "Some of the group will be involved in building a community centre, others will be training people in crafts and business skills" Pauline added. "We have made arrangements to bring a Sound Engineer with us to capture the choirs there, which have to be heard to be believed. Having recorded them we will make an album for them which will be for sale in Ireland. We will also be making the album available to the choirs for them to sell for many years to come" she said. Each volunteer embarking on this trip has to raise €5,500 for the project. Donations may be made online at, or for more information check out

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