Sunday 11 November 2007

The Polish Connection

The Polish Connection

Almost 2% of Kerry's population is now Polish-born

1.64% of Kerry's population is now Polish according to figures released by the Central Statistics Office this week.

With Kerry's population standing at 134, 782, the number of officially registered Poles living here, according to the 2006 census report, is 2,201.
This is a modest figure however, as it only accounts for those immigrant Polish workers who are offically registered.
The number may be greater as many take up seasonal and casual working positions throughout the county during the summer months, returning to Poland once the summer is over.
According to CSO figures there are 420,000 foreign nationals living in Ireland. This reflects a startling increase of almost 100% in just under four years as the number stood at 224,000 in 2002. There is a population of 63,000 Polish nationals alone living in Ireland, the largest migrant group.
"Kerry is a nice place to live" said Dana Misiewicz, a Polish national now living in Ballyferriter in West Kerry.
"The people are very friendly and the countryside and culture is very beautiful, we are very happy here."
The Polish effect is evident countywide with many local shops and supermarkets now stocking extensive lines of Polish grocery products.

In addition many Parishes throughout the county now have regular Polish Masses on a weekly basis.

"Polish people have a great sense of spiritually" said former Maynooth Professor and Monsignor Pádraig Ó'Fiannachta of Dingle.

They are keen to exercise their faith here and are a welcome addition to our congregations."

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