Sunday 11 November 2007

New Community Hospital for Dingle

New community hospital for Dingle

Following ten years of negotiations and planning an end is finally in sight for the completion of Dingle's new Community Hospital, as construction began at its new location last Monday.
Corca Dhuibhne breathed a collective sigh of relief this week as construction began on new 72-bed hospital at a site donated by the O'Connor family at Farran, Dingle early last Monday morning.
According to the Health Service Executive an estimated construction period of 18 months is envisaged.
Plans for the hospital include a mental health day care centre, a day care centre for senior citizens and an ambulance base. Many stumbling blocks had stalled progress on the project since the HSE's original decision to build a new hospital in 1997. Original plans were for a 60 bed hospital, which upon review in 2000 was amended to include 72 beds.
Due to this increase, new staffing negotiations had to take place.
In 2005 Minister for Health Mary Harney instructed that tenders be sought with a view to the commencement of building at the site.
However, Kerry County Council's plans to construct a link road as part of the Dingle Development Plan conflicted with the project.
Further negotiations took place and a new planning application was submitted, which was granted in 2006.
This is a great development for the town and surrounding area" said local councillor Seamus CosaĆ­ Fitzgerald at the site last Monday.

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