Monday 15 June 2009

The Big Irish Language Survey launched

Iontaobhas na GaelscolaĆ­ochta (InaG), the Trust Fund for Irish-medium education have launched a major online survey in order to reveal what people think of the Irish language. "Our main role at this stage is to support communities, primarily in the north of Ireland, who wish to fulfil the dream of an education for their children through Irish" said Dr. Reamai Mathers of InaG. "The value of our native culture and bilingualism is being increasingly understood in relation a range of social, intellectual and academic benefits.It is an ambition of our Trust to extend our work throughout Ireland and indeed perhaps overseas, it is therefore of paramount of importance for us to hear the opinions of people in relation to the language be they positive or negative. To this end we have devised a survey that will allow people to express their thoughts on a range of issues." The survey will run online from now until the end of July 2009, visit to take part.


  1. I couldn't complete the survey. I work full time in the private sector and there isn't an option for that. Apparently only Students, the unemployed, the self employed and civil servants matter to this quango. PAYE taxpayers can fund the survey but not take part.

  2. I just filled out that survey and what you say isn't true. You can tick 'other' where it asks you for employment details. I didn't see anything stating that those who work in the private sector can't participate....but maybe I'm wrong?
