Thursday 7 May 2009

Minister indicates Dingle Ice Plant to remain open

Minister indicates Dingle Ice Plant to remain open
Local councillors and candidates still seeking written guarantees as to employees' future
The Bórd Iascaigh Mara Ice-Plant in Dingle is to remain open according to a Fianna Fáil candidate in the Dingle Local Area Elections. Dingle's Breandán Fitzgerald (pictured above right) told Dingle News this week that, following discussions with the Minister for the Marine Tony Kileen TD and Ceann Comhairle John O'Donoghue, the plant is to remain open and that the two employees working there are to have their contracts renewed. “When I heard reports stating that the contracts of the two men working there were to end, I made representations to Minister for the Marine Tony Killeen and Ceann Comhairle John O’Donoghue to make the case to the Minister for Finance Brian Lenihan, for the employee’s contracts to be renewed" said Mr. Fitzgerald. "I was delighted to receive the calls from the Minister and Ceann Comhairle saying that the men’s contracts were to be renewed and Dingle Ice plant would remain open.The ice plant is an integral part of the fishing industry of the area and keeping the plant open is very important for the men working there, fishermen and local businesses in Dingle."According to Mr. Fitzgerald (35), who is seeking election to the council for the first time, local representation is the key to communities in West Kerry getting through these difficult times. The move will signal a collective sigh of relief from local fishermen who felt that their livelihoods would effectively come to an end, were the plant to close. As late as last Wednesday, with the contracts expiring on Thursday close of business, no clear indication about the future of the plant had been made as both BIM and the Department of the Marine had both refused to comment publicly on the situation. Sitting Councillor Seamus Cosaí Fitzgerald (pictured at the Ice Plant above, far right) made several representations to the Department of Finance BIM CEO, Jason Hooley while Labour Candidate Pat Hanafin facilitated a meeting with Labour Leader Eamonn Gilmore and local Dingle fishermen last Friday at the Pier. "I welcome the announcement however I am curious as to how this situation to arose" said Cllr. Cosaí Fitzgerald. "As late as last Wednesday and Thursday no clear indication had been made by the Minister as to how this was going to play out; personally I won't be happy until we see this declaration in writing.""With an election on the horizon, it's a question of funding we need definitive clarification, in writing from the Departments of Finance and BIM, as to the contracts of the employees and the future of the plant." Labour candidate Pat Hanafin echoed these concerns. "Labour leader Eamonn Gilmore met with a group of up to 60 fishermen in Dingle on Friday, who voiced their concerns; expressing the hardship endured and their sense of abandonment in light of this situation" said Mr. Hanafin, "if the survival of the fishing industry in West Kerry is crucial, why then did the Government allow this drama to ensue? We need concrete guarantees not false promises."

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