Thursday 16 April 2009

RTE Raidio na Gaeltachta appoints new artist-in-residence

Do you listen to RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta?
RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta with the support of Ealaín na Gaeltachta have commissioned Ceara Conway (pictured far left) as their first Artist in Residence. As part of this commission she will be exploring the connection between the station and the people who listen in everyday. "I feel that the Gaeltacht culture and community is a unique one and that RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta both represents and connects the nationwide and international community in a very particular way" said Ceara. "I would like the opportunity to talk and meet with people who listen to the station, hear their thoughts and views on listening to RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta and of being a part of this this community. I am interested in showing you the work that I have made to date and discuss the ideas and observations that I have, seeing what arises by meeting the people/community who listen to this station." Ceara may be contacted by Phone or Text at 0876934038 or via Email: EIST.CEARA@GMAIL.COM.

1 comment:

  1. Due to lack of planning permission from Kerry Councy Council and Board Planala,
    Resulted in the loss of two hundred jobs in the Dingle Pinsnsula

    Break Down
    Hotel in Ventry refused planning loss of two million euro to the area and, 25 people in employment in the peak season,refused planning permission

    Nursing home in ballinboula 65 bedded, loss of eight million to the area and 40 full time jobs, also sixteen retirement homes in conjunction with this nursing home, refused planning permission

    Over thirty houses in the dingle pinensula by local people, refused planning permission

    One new house equals
    Five people being employed for a period of eight months
    From the person who draws up the plans
    the person who dig the site
    the blocklayer
    the plasterer
    the plumber
    the electrician
    the painter
    the carpenter
    the gardener
    to the shops that supply the materials to all of these people
    mise le Meas
    Patrick Hanafin
    Labour Candidate Kerry South
