Thursday 23 April 2009

Domhnal and Bríd to exhibit at the Ionad this Summer

Resident Artists appointed in
Ionad an Bhlascaod
Domhnal Ó Bric & Bríd Ní Luasaigh
May 1st - June 31st
An interesting new arts scheme will be launched in Ionad an Bhlascaod in Dún Chaoin on Friday, 1st May, with the appointment of two artists, Domhnal Ó Bric (whose artwork is pictured to the right) & Bríd Ní Luasaigh (whose photographic work is featured to the left), as Resident Artists in the Centre for the coming summer season. The aim of the project is to give young artists an opportunity to display their works in their native area. Announcing the scheme Micheál de Mórdha, Director of The Blasket Centre, said that both the Centre and the Artists would benefit from the scheme. “We are very lucky here in West Kerry that we are surrounded by very talented artists, and it contributes a lot to the Centre to have some of the work on display. We also intend to encourage young artist and to provide them with the space to display their work in front of a large audience. We are grateful to Ealaín na Gaeltachta who provided funding for the scheme, funding which is very generous in the current financial climate.” The exhibition, entitled 'Crot' (Shape), will open on Friday, May 1st, and will last for three months. Bríd is a photographer whose work is a study of rocks and lichen growth, while Domhnal's work encompasses paintings and drawings based on the singing tradition of West Kerry. The exhibition will be officially launched by the renowned traditional singer Muireann Nic Amhlaoibh, on Friday, May Day, at 7.30pm. Further Information: Dáithí de Mórdha, Ionad an Bhlascaoid: (066) 9156444, 087-9778871,

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