Tuesday 17 March 2009

St. Patrick blesses Dingle with glorious sunshine

Dingle awoke to the beat of the drum and the lilt of the fife on St. Patrick's morning as the Dingle Fife & Drum band took to the streets at 6.15am as dawn broke across the Corca Dhuibhne Peninsula. At 6.3oam over 500 people attended a dawn Mass at St. Mary's Church with the band marching up the aisle, raising the rafters with traditional music.
Crowds began to flock to Dingle during the morning in anticipation of the annual St. Patrick's Day Parade which took to the streets at 12.45pm. The event was blessed with glorious sunshine as temperatures reached up to 18 cenigrade in what was the sunniest day of the year to date. Record numbers lined the streets to enjoy one of the largest parades in recent years. Banna Ceoil Lios Poil, the Dingle Fife and Drum Band and young musicians from Scoil an Ghleanna in Glens (pictured above left) were among those who brought the streets alive with traditional music. Local businesses created a number of humourous floats, included the staff at Benners Hotel on Main Street who created their own re-enactment of 'Father Ted', which received a great reception. St. Patrick's Day in Dingle also blessed local businesses with some much needed business as the town was packed with visitors who came in great numbers to witness the celebrations. The festivites in pubs and restuarants around town are sure to keep going into the night! Young and old enjoyed the great atmosphere, all in agreement that this was certainly one of the best St. Patrick's Day in Dingle yet!

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