Tuesday 31 March 2009

Siulóid Leigheas raises over 30,000 for cancer support

There was great cause for celebration in West Kerry on Monday, April 6th, as Siulóid Leigheas committee members (pictured left) presented Julie Harris of the Irish Cancer Society with a cheque for €30,175 at Ionad Poiblí Scoil Naomh Breandán in Baile an bhFionnurach.The funds were raised through the annual Siuloid Leigheas - Walk for the Cure which is held on Mount Brandon every September which last year saw thousands converge on the mountain in aid of cancer research. The 2008 walk was dedicated to the memory of local lady Bernie O'Connor. Plans are already underway for the 2009 walk, which will take place on Saturday September 27th 2009. The following appointments were also made for the 2009 committee at the first official meeting of the year; Broadcaster Micheal O Muircheartaigh -President, Jaeici O Muircheartaigh -Chairperson / PRO, Mairin Nic Gearailt -Secretary, Dara O Cinneide and Lisa Ni Mhurchu -Treasurers, Tom Hutch, Conchubhair O Beaglaoi and Muiris O Conchuir - Social Organisers along with Tomas Mac Gearailt and Sean O Mhuircheartaigh -Logistics. "We hope that the 2009 walk will be the biggest and best to date" explained Chairperson Jaeici O Muircheartaigh, who is off to Slovenia this May to part-take in another sponsored walk in aid of the Irish Cancer Society. There was another first on the night as the newly renovated Ionad Poibli Scoil Naomh Breandan was also in use for the first time. The new community centre, funded by Roinn na Gaeltachta, is located within the old Scoil Naomh Breandan school house which was founded in 1895 and closed in 1967. It is hoped that the centre will provide a valuable asset to the local community. Over 100,000 was spent on the renovation however the integrity of the school house's bespoke stone work was preserved and maintained. For more updates on the 2009 walk visit www.cancer.ie.

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