Saturday 10 January 2009

Irish language initatives for local authority tenants

Local authority tenatnts to avail of Irish classes and courses initative
A new course for Local Authority tenants in Gaeltacht areas is allowing them to build up their Irish language skills, as well as improving their employment prospects into the future. The Tenants’ Irish/ Tourism course, which was launched in Dún Chíomháin, Baile an Fheirtéaraigh on Friday, January 9th, has been organised by Kerry County Council, Fáilte Ireland, Údarás na Gaeltachta, and Kerry Education Service, with nine students attending classes three times a week since last October. In April, a further nine students will take the next module of the course. This will see Fáilte Ireland’s Hospitality/Food & Beverage course delivered through the medium of Irish, the first time ever that this has happened.
“All the agencies involved have a commitment to preserving and promoting the Irish language and culture in Gaeltacht areas,” Roibeard Ó hEartáin, Oifigeach Gaeilge with Kerry County Council explained.
“The agencies, and the tenants themselves, felt that there was a need to for supports to be put in place to allow the tenants to improve their language skills. This would help to promote the language and also allow them and their families to better integrate into the local community and culture.”
Using feedback from the tenants and with the aid of the agencies involved, a course schedule was arranged, which would address the needs of the tenants.
“For example, one of the modules is called School & Home, and allows parents to help their children with their homework,” Roibeard pointed out.
“Additionally, the Fáilte Ireland course can give the students an additional skill, particularly in relation to cultural tourism, which is a major employer in the West Kerry area.”
For further information contact Roibeard Ó hEartáin at 066-7183532.

1 comment:

  1. I've been away from Dingle for many years and I still speak the Irish language when I'm talking to my sisters. I was brought up with the Irish language going to school and I love it, I would not give it up. I can't understand why anybody wouldn't want to use their native language. I've been reading about the schools in Dingle some parents don't want their kids learning the Irish language, that's a shame
