Thursday 1 January 2009

Record crowds in Dingle on New Year's Eve

Recession? More like a session!

Fireworks and New Year's celebrations draw record crowds to Dingle

The boom was back for a limited time only in Dingle last week as record numbers converged on the town to enjoy the New Year's celebrations last Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday night. Local guesthouses, B&Bs and hotels were packed to capacity catching pubs, shops and restaurants on the hop so to speak as they struggled to meet the demand as visitors of all ages, from young party-goers to families to the more senior, filled the town and surrounding area. The recession turned session in Dingle last Tuesday as locals were surprised to find their usual haunts jammed packed that night with visitors. Many pubs even had some punters jump behind the bar to help out with the onslaught of bodies in some of the town's most popular nightspots. People continued to arrive in the town on New Year's Eve and as B&Bs and hotels began to fill a 'no room at the Inn' scenario saw many visitors struggle to find accommodation at the last minute. A thrilling fireworks display hosted by the Dingle Business Chamber at the head of the pier at 10pm on New Year's Eve saw people turn out in their thousands. Such were the crowds that many visitors and even locals opted to park outside the town and walk in the see the amazing light-show sponsored by local businesses in the town. Pubs and restaurants were soon jam-packed as party-goers of all ages congregated in the town centre at the Mall Bridge where a digital countdown clock was beamed via a projector onto the gable of a large building. The Dingle Fife and Drum Band then marched through the town as the clock struck twelve to ring in the New Year making their way to the Mall Bridge to greet the party-goers. Cash registers rang in the New Year as publicans saw their premises come alive for the first time in many months. Local nightclub, the Hillgrove, had to close their doors early despite being one of Kerry's largest nightclubs. The town's other late nightspot, An Droichead Beag was also packed to capacity as bouncers worked to ensure the safety of its patrons. Despite the record numbers the night went off without any major incidents and a feeling of goodwill was generally in evidence as the singing and dancing went on into the early hours. New Year's Day saw many of the visitors opting to stay on as staff worked hard in pubs and restaurants around the town to feed the hungry punters which saw queues form in many establishments as people waited for free tables in many of the town's eateries. A Duck-Race was hosted on the Mall River as well as Two-Time Polka in O'Flaherty's Pub that afternoon which saw the popular trad pub packed to the rafters. The party continued on New Year's Day with another lively night out on the town.
Pictured left, Danielle Slye and Mary Farrell (Ballyferriter & Dingle), pictured right, Lorraine and Debbie Scanlon (Lispole & Dingle) in Ashe's Bar on Main Street. Pictures courtesy of Sinead Bawn Brosnan.

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