Thursday 11 December 2008

Zambian cake-sale fundraiser organised by Dingle Med student

A student doctor from Dingle is off the Zambia next year in an effort to provide life-saving medical assistance and supplies in the Mpongwe region.
Vanessa Ní Churráin (pictured left) from Cnoc a'Brogín, Dingle is currently a 5th year medical student at NUI Galway and as part of her training she is to travel to Mpongwe in Zambia next summer for two months with Voluntary Services Abroad, (the voluntary organisation in the university) along with three other medical students and two nurses.
"We organise numerous VSA fundraising events throughout the year and last year's group raised a phenomenal E254,000 which was distributed amongst seven groups who volunteered throughout Africa and South America" Vanessa explained.
"The money is used to buy medical supplies and basic equipment for the various clinics and hospitals. In Mpongwe, where I am travelling to, a group of three final civil engineering students volunteered there last year and built an out-patient's clinic."
Our plan this year isto get the clinic fully up and running and also to purchase whatever equipment that is needed."
In preparation, Vanessa has organised a fundraising cake sale in Dingle's Gháirdín Mhuire on Green St, on Sunday the 21st of December after 9am Mass.
"All contributions would be greatly appreciated be it through donations or by bringing in cakes!" Vanessa added.

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