Sunday 27 July 2008

Ventry Regatta - Sunday, July 20th

Naomhóg masters tackle the ocean waves at Ventry Regatta

The sun came out to play in Ventry on Sunday July 20th, as crowds converged on the West Kerry village to enjoy the the annual Naomhóg rowing meet, Regatta Fionn Trá.
Competitors of all ages from the Maharees, Dingle and the West Kerry Gaeltacht took the ocean waves once again, a tradition which is a great source of local pride. The familiar site of the Namohóg, which from a distance look like black beetles, was visible on the pier from 2pm with a full race card catering for all age groups.
The first race was the U-18 meet with Roisín Breathnach, Laura Kavanagh, Liam Flannery and Cathal Breathneach first past the post.
This was followed by the eagerly anticipated Rás Mór na bhfear, the Four-handed mens'race which saw the men of the Maharees, Jackie Goodwin, Danny Scanlon, Kieran Browne and Frank Hussey stamp their authority on the event once again this year.
The U-12 race, one of the highlight for the younger children taking part proved to be a great success with Brian Devine, Gearóid Breathneach, Meghan Flannery and Kelly Cooke of Cumann Ramhaíochta Corca Dhuibhne emerging as top dogs as they sailed into first place.
The eagerly anticipated Rás Mór na mBan, the four- handed ladies'race proved itself to be one of the afternoon's highlights with winners, local rowing stalwats Monza Heidke, Denise O'Sullivan, Tara Follan and Michelle Kennedy showing the men how things are done in West Kerry! Kevin Granville, Eoin Griffin, Louise O'Brien and Kate Sullivan were victorious in the U-16 meet while the combination of Jackie Goodwin and Eileen Quirke proved a winning formula in the Rás Fear & Bean, the one man, one woman race. The Rás Meascaithe, a mixed race for two men and two women, with names drawn from a hat drew the day's racing to a close with Eimear Galvin, Jane Fitzgerald, Kieran Browne and Jackie Goodwin taking first place.

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