Tuesday 8 April 2008

Dingle and Galicia to forge links this summer

Dingle and Galicia to forge links this summer
Spanish lessons for 'El Dinguel' as offical visit looms

Dingle will hope to further extend its links with the Spanish region of Galicia in north western Spain this summer as the West Kerry town prepares to welcome a group of dignitaries from the northern Spanish cultural authority, Xacobeo, this May. Preparations for a number of cultural exchanges and civic receptions are currently underway and is hoped that the group, which will include many Ministers from the region and tourism heads, will arrive in Dingle on Saturday May 3rd for an official two visit, where they will meet with Dingle Business Chamber, Udaras na Gaeltachta and other local authorities. The exchange has arisen from the trip made by 28 pilgrims from West Kerry to Santiago De Compestela last year aboard the tall ship built in Tralee, the Jeanie Johnston, where they revived the tradition of walking the pilgrim of St. James, a event which had at one time, been an annual event. One of the sea-farers, Colm Bambury, made a number of contacts while in Spain and it is now hoped that a link may be forged between Dingle and Galicia. There has always been a strong Spanish influence in Dingle due to its harbour port and the Church of St. James on the Main Street which was built by Spanish settlers in the area. It is also said that the name of the town of Dingle has been derived from Spanish, El Dinguel. "The Jeanie Johnston trip and the walk of St. James reignited a link that had existed between Dingle and Spain for centuries" Colm explained. "We now hope to further encourage exchanges between the two regions in terms of business, language, the harbours, music and culture."
Colm and six others will travel to Galicia region in Spain this Saturday where they will undertake a three-day walk from Santiago De Compestela to Fisterra, which will involve walking 94 kms in three days. Upon the walks completion they will meet with a number of prominent figures in the area to finalise the official visit to Dingle

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