Friday 8 February 2008

Inch Beach Clean-Up a great success

Inching ever closer to cleanliness

Community spirit prevailed once again in the Inch area last Saturday as locals came together to spruce up the local beauty spot Inch Beach in the annual cleanup, organised by Brendan Griffin of the Castle Inn. Despite stormy conditions, locals gathered bags and bags of rubbish, returning the beach to its former glory. Organiser Brendan said that the beach looks very well again after the clean-up operation and that it's important that beaches such as Inch are kept looking their best at all times."Kerry's beaches are very special amenities and must be given the attention that they deserve. It is a pity that our beaches sometimes become spoilt and dirty" he said.
The Keel native is also calling on the Council to establish a Best Beach Competition in Kerry to encourage the maintenance of beaches and raise awareness regarding the environmental concerns created by the illegal dumping of litter and refuse. "I will be approaching Kerry County Council in the near future to propose the establishment of a Best Beach Competition along the lines of the Tidy Towns Competition, perhaps the new Minister Gormley will look at the proposal positively. For further information on community clean-up initatives in the area, Brendan may be contacted at 087 652 8841.

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