Friday 10 August 2007

Dingle gets its first bus shelter..and its a beauty!

Out of a boat...and into a bus!
Local contractor designs, funds and builds the town's first bus shelter, because Bus Eireann wouldn't

You wouldn't normally expect to see people sitting under a boat in a town centre, but that is exactly what you can now see in Dingle as the town recently unveiled its first bus shelter.
Conceived, designed and sponsored by local building contractor, Gerry O'Sullivan, Dingle now boasts one of the most aesthetically pleasing bus shelter even built, made from an old style canoe called a naomhóg , the type of boat that the islanders used to cross from the Blasket Islands to the mainland in days gone by.
The construction of bus shelter at the Tracks which was completed this week, is a milestone in the history of the town and marks the culmination of a ten-year battle to have a shelter installed.
Repeated calls by local councillors for a bus shelter fell on deaf ears as Bus Eireann officials declined to install one in the town.
Finally last year, they told local Cllr. Seamus Cosaí Fitzgerald that they would allow one to be built in Dingle, if someone else came up with the money.
Local builder Gerry O'Sullivan stepped up to plate, working alongside
Cllr. Fitzgerald and the Dingle Business Chamber to secure planning.
Finally the picturesque bus shelter was unveiled.
"Great credit is due to Gerry for doing this" said Cllr. Fitzgerald.
"The shelter will make a huge difference to the lives of many people, from third level students, to backpackers to senior citizens.
"Now we all have something extremely practical that we can all be proud of."

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